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ULN2803AP, HK Jiaweiyi Technology Limited - Inventory

We have a decade of experience in trading MEMORY FLASH, motherboard and chips. HK Jiaweiyi Technology Limited, established in 1998 targeting to become one of the leading electronic components distributors who provides you with excellence procurement and logistics services. We believed being pioneer and innovative are the key success factors of a trading firm. We focus not only on customer satisfac...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
ULQ2003AD TI 2600 22+
ULQ2003ADG4 TI 1665 19+
ULQ2003ADR TI 1008 21+
ULQ2003ADR2G ON 2260 20+
ULQ2003ADRG4 TI 6236 20+
ULQ2003AN TI 3600 2019+
ULQ2003AQDRQ1 TI 25000 21+
ULQ2003ATDG4Q1 TI 1600 21+
ULQ2003ATDQ1 TI 3500 2017+
ULQ2003ATDRG4Q1 TI 3000 22+
ULQ2003ATDRQ1 TI 5000 2022+
ULQ2003ATPWRQ1 TI 3520 21+
ULQ2004AD TI 6000 2021+
ULQ2004ADG4 TI 3095 20+
ULQ2004ADR TI 5500 22+21+
ULQ2004ADRG4 TI 4436 20+
ULQ2004AN TI 3250 18+
ULQ2004ATDRG4Q1 TI 12750 20+
ULQ2004ATDRQ1 TI 7700 18+
U-MULTILINK NXP 3080 1906+

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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